Saint Chad’s Church Sunderland:
The Parish Church of Farringdon, Lakeside, East and Middle Herrington in Sunderland.
On this page you can find our service times and information about safeguarding. Elsewhere on the site you can find contact details for the Priest in Charge and for the Church Hall.

Regular Worship
Sunday 8:00am Holy Communion
A quiet, said service with a sermon. Most weeks this is a Common worship service, except the last Sunday when it is from the Book of Common Prayer.
Sunday 9:30am Holy Communion
Our main worship of the week. This service includes hymns and a sermon. It is followed by tea and coffee.
Sunday 6:30pm Evensong
Traditional Evening Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer.
First Monday of the Month 10:30am Holy Communion in Amalfi Tower
Our monthly service of Holy Communion in Amalfi Tower Community Room.
Tuesday 9:30am Holy Communion
A weekday service of Holy Communion followed by tea and coffee.
Wednesday 6:30pm Holy Communion
A weekday service of Holy Communion. The first Wednesday of month is a Healing Eucharist which includes anointing with holy oil.
The Parochial Church Council of St Chad, Sunderland is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for everyone, especially for children, young people and vulnerable adults. It has adopted and approved the Church of England policy for promoting a safer church. This policy deals with all aspects of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
To discuss any safeguarding concerns relating to St Chad, Sunderland please contact either
– the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Katherine Probert, on 07401554484 or
– the Parish Priest, Rev’d John D’Silva, on 0191 528 2397
Concerns can also be raised with the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Beth Miller – she can be contacted as follows:
Address: Cuthbert House, Stonebridge, Durham DH1 3RY
Mobile: 07968 034075
For further information please also see the Diocese of Durham safeguarding pages: